JVA wants to develop a scheme to exploit the hydropower potential of the Zarqa River along a stretch of 13 km which is delimited by King Talal Dam at 179 m a.s.l. and Tlal AL Dahab weir at elevation of -109 m a.s.l. Accordingly, the consultancy assignment involves comparing different alternatives for conceptual schemes for the development of hydropower potential from King Talal dam to Tlal Weir in order to select the optimum one for the basic design phase. Three schemes have been analyzed as the most promising: 1) High pressure, 2) Low pressure, and 3) Free flow. The study involved carrying geology and geotechnical investigation, seismic hazard assessment, hydrological assessment, preliminary design and energy production study, risk analysis, evaluation of the costs, benefits and main economic parameters, and an environmental and social impact assessment study (ESIA) for the preferred alternative.
SA Responsibilities:
To carry the detailed ESIA study for the hydropower project along King Talal Dam in Jordan in accordance to the national (EIA Regulation No. (37) of 2005), the KfW sustain-ability guideline, the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework, as well as the international good practice guidance regarding environmental impacts and their mitigation provided in “Hydroelectric Power: A Guide for Developers, IFC February 2015”.
- Preparation of Preliminary and Final Terms of Reference (ToR).
- Preparation and implementation of public consultations and scoping sessions along with documentation of the scoping session with stakeholders in a Scoping Report.
- Field visits and data collection.
- Development of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).
- Performance of the ESIA study and preparation of Draft and Final ESIA reports.
Environmental And Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
ESIA for the hydropower project along King Talal Dam in Jordan
For The Project Renewable Energy And Energy Efficiency / A New Hydropower Plant At King Talal Dam - Tlal Al Dahab Weir
(BMZ-NO. 2099.16.362)
Category:Environment, ESIA
Client:SIGMA Consulting Engineers, Jordan. Project Owner: German Development Bank (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau - KfW) and Jordan Ministry of Water and Irrigation/ Jordan Valley Authority (MWI/JVA)
Time Period:January 2018 – Ongoing
Tags:Eco, Protection, Save Water