Addressing Water Needs of Jordan Hosting Communities (AWANE), funded by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada (GAC), aims at enhancing the government capacity to meet the increase in demand for water and sanitation services, particularly in host communities. AWANE project focuses on the Zarqa and Balqa Governorates in Jordan, where it works to promote better water governance, stronger institutional accountability and improved environmental sustainability while ensuring that the specific needs and capacities of women are addressed.
Pellentesque elit arcu, finibus ut rutrum vel, dapibus eget nisi. Suspendisse at venenatis arcu, et accumsan ante.
Under the infrastructure component of the AWANE project, rehabilitation works of the water system in Naqab and the Teacher Housing have been successfully completed in March 2018 with the aim to reduce the NRW by 33% in order to approach a value of 15%. This project aimed at evaluating the impacts of the recent improvements on the water supply system implemented by the AWANE project in terms of reducing the non-revenue water.
SA Responsibilities:
- Technical evaluation of the impacts of the improvements on the water supply system in terms of reducing the non-revenue water.
- A social qualitative survey that addresses customers’ satisfaction, perceived impact on the level of service, and community awareness. This involved:
– Conducting a social survey using a specially designed questionnaire for 120 households in the study area.
– Carrying focus group meetings as well as structured interviews with stakeholders such as project contractor and consultant.
– Preparing, and conducting a workshop to present and discuss project findings and recommendations to the stakeholders.
Water Needs of Jordan Hosting Communities (AWANE), funded by the Government of Canada